Joey Siu, member of WLC, wanted by Hong Kong police, HK $1 million bounty on her head.

December 14th, 2023 –  Joey Siu, a member of the World Liberty Congress’s Executive Council, has had a HK $1 million bounty placed on her head by the Hong Kong police for her activism in standing up for freedom, democracy, and civil rights in Hong Kong and around the world. 

Joey, who was elected to the WLC Executive Council this November, has been a member of the WLC since the organization’s founding in 2022. The announcement of the bounty and demand for her arrest was made this morning by the Hong Kong police. She is charged with “colluding with foreign forces,” along with 4 other Hong Kongers who are living abroad. The five wanted Hong Kongers are: Joey Siu, Frances Hui, Simon Cheng, Tony Choi, and Johnny Fok. 

Once again, the CCP has employed the National Security Law as a means to intimidate overseas activists who are exposing the Hong Kong authorities for their consistent human rights violations. Last July, the Hong Kong authorities similarly placed a bounty on eight overseas activists, including Anna Kwok, another WLC member. This is a clear case of transnational repression.

Chief Superintendent Steve Li of the Hong Kong National Security Department stated that the accused “betrayed their country, betrayed Hong Kong, disregarded the interests of Hong Kong people, and continue to endanger national security even when abroad.”

Leopoldo López, Co-Founder and Secretary General of the WLC said: 

“The WLC condemns this blatant act of transnational repression by the Hong Kong authorities. Joey Siu is a tireless advocate for the restoration of basic human rights and democratic governance in Hong Kong. She is an exemplary young activist and a valued member of the WLC. Let it be clear that the WLC, as a global network of similarly persecuted pro-democracy activists, unequivocally stands behind Joey.”

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